Wills and codicils

Our professional team of wills and codicils solicitors can assist you with making a will or codicil, lasting power of attorney or trust deeds. We also happily offer a initial legal consultation where we can discuss your unique needs and requirements.

Our boutique, family legal firm offers a relaxed incorporate feel, we offer the time and empathy to discuss your needs and circumstances. We understand the importance of getting the details of wills and codicils are crucial to you and your family and ensure your best interests at all times.

If you are an executor to a will or a relative to someone who has recently passed away we understand that this is a difficult and often overwhelming time. When you are struggling with grief it can be extremely hard to deal with all the necessary arrangements but we can help throughout the process.

If you have a family that is no longer capable of looking after their own financial affairs then we can put things in place so you can protect their assets.


What is a codicil?

It is recommended that you review your will regularly to ensure it is still accurate to your current circumstances. As your life moves on and things change your will may become outdated and it is crucial as it depicts what happens in the event of your death.

Ensuring your will is correct is important to look after your loved ones how you see fit. If it needs to be updated, this is where a codicil will help.

A codicil is a legal document which requires signing and witnessing like a will and is a way of making amendments to your original will as opposed to writing a new one.

Codicils are used as it is an easier cheaper option for changing your will and there is no limit to how many codicils that you can add.


Wills and codicils cons

It is crucial that your codicil is kept with your will or your original will could be open to questions being raised.

The other potential issue is that you can have an unlimited amount of codicils but the more you have adds to the complexity of arranging your wishes.

Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney
Deeds of Trust
Deeds of Trust

Wills and Codicils Team

Faith Williams

Faith Williams

Solicitor/Managing Director

Phone: 01752 749473
Email: faith@faithwilliamslaw.com

Helen-Marie Sawyer

Helen-Marie Sawyer

Front of House Reception

Phone: 01522 262130
Email: hms@faithwilliamslaw.com

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