Domestic Abuse
Unfortunately, domestic abuse is all too common and can take a variety of forms, from physical and sexual, to financial and digital.
While it is more likely to affect women, men can also be victims of this kind of abuse. Indeed, it impacts on people of all ages, from all walks of life. It is generally carried out by a current or ex-partner, but can also be at the hands of a relative or carer.
While it can affect anyone, unfortunately, it tends to disproportionally affect those from minorities or living in poverty.
Sadly, many incidents of abuse go unreported and, indeed, some victims of certain types of abuse such as coercive control or financial abuse, may not even realise they are victims. As such, it can be hard to calculate exact figures in relation to abuse.
Abuse of this kind can have a devastating impact on both its victims and those close to them, especially if there are children involved. This can manifest in a number of ways; physically, emotionally, mentally and financially.
While abuse is often thought of as violent, physical or sexual, this is not always the case. Of course, physical and sexual assault is frighteningly common when it comes to abuse, but it is not the only form.
Coercive control domestic abuse
Coercive control sees the perpetrator inflict a pattern of controlling behaviour and abuse on a victim. This can include threatening, intimidating and humiliating behaviour in order to scare and control.
A common part of coercive control is using money as a way to isolate and control a victim. By either restricting a victim’s access to money or using joint funds irresponsibly, for example by gambling or compiling other joint debt, perpetrators exert control over their victim.
Online abuse is, by definition, relatively new. It involves using online and social media to abuse victims. This can be through ‘trolling’ and sending abusive messages, or by restricting and controlling a victim’s access to social media.
Seeking help for domestic abuse
Our friendly, approachable and expert legal team is here to help all victims of domestic abuse. It is vital that if you suspect that you or anyone you know is a victim of any type of abuse, that you seek help.
Women’s Aid is a great source of advice and support. However, for legal advice and support, we are dedicated to helping to free victims of abuse.
We appreciate that it can be very hard to take steps to seek help, but our dedicated legal team will be there to support you every step of the way. We also know how hard it is for family members to watch a loved one who they suspect is the victim of abuse and we are able to advise on the best course of action in seeking help for family members.
Naturally, you can rest assured that any conversation you have with our team will be strictly confidential.
We will always do our very best to help ensure that any perpetrators of domestic abuse are bought to justice. Please contact us today for further information and advice and a free legal consultation.

Monica Clifton
Phone: 01522 262130