Family Mediation

Family mediation

When a marriage has broken down and you are dealing with separation or divorce communication can be strained and it can become very difficult to make necessary family arrangements. Our expert family mediation service are here to help you.

Our experienced family mediator offers an initial legal consultation prior to engagement where we can discuss any legal issues you need help resolving.

Our family mediation service is available to help with any form of family mediation we help with issues such as grandparents rights to access their grandchildren, child arrangements, elderly relatives care arrangements etc.

If your family is in turmoil and can’t agree on necessary family arrangements contact our mediation expert Monica Clifton today.


Family Mediation to avoid court

Our experienced family mediation has a high rate of success and is here to help you make out of court arrangements whenever possible. Disputes in the family are stressful enough without ending up in court to make necessary family arrangements.

Not only is it stressful and hurtful to have all your personal business discussed in court, it is a very expensive way to resolve a dispute and it eliminates any control. Using our  mediation service will also mean agreements can suite your unique family needs.

Our family mediation offers advice and support to reduce conflict and allowing your family to make decisions on what’s better for them. With matters that effect the future happiness and future of your family it is more preferable and a lot cheaper to come to an out of court agreement.

Child Arrangements
Child Arrangements
Financial Claims
Financial Claims
Separation or Divorce
Separation or Divorce
Grandparents Rights
Grandparents Rights
Family Law
Family Law

Mediation Services

Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation
Monica Clifton

Monica Clifton

Family Lawyer

Phone: 01522 262130

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